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Does Any Stock Broker Offer CDSL EASIEST Facility?

Through CDSL’s web-based EASIEST facility (electronic access to securities information and execution of secured transactions), Clearing Members of Beneficial Owner (clients) can transmit off-market, on-market, inter-depository, and early pay-in debit instructions from their DEMAT account. Additionally, every Easy subscription receives automatic access to all of Easy’s features and advantages. By using CDSL Easiest, you can transfer shares online between Demat accounts,, but what platforms offer this facility? Let’s find out. 

What is the CDSL EASIEST facility?

The term EASIEST, which stands for Electronic Access to Securities Information and Execution of Secured Transactions, refers to a kind of online electronic portal that lets you access your Demat account. You can use the portal to transfer shares besides being able to monitor your Demat account. 

TIP: Now, The new Shoonya app lets you pledge shares directly for immediate margin benefits without following the CDSL “Easiest” process 

What are the benefits of CDSL EASIEST?

Listed below are some of the benefits of the CDSL EASIEST facility.

  • It allows you to access your Demat account digitally from anywhere or anytime. 
  • It provides freezing and unfreezing facilities. 
  • It allows you to access all your Demat accounts with a single login.
  • It enables you to initiate the transfer of securities.
  • It ensures the total security of your transactions. 

Does any broker offer a CDSL EASIEST facility?

No, none of the online stock brokers provides their customers with CDSL’s easiest facility. This is because when you sign up for CDSL Easiest, the broker loses the Power of Attorney over your Demat Account. Thus the broker will no longer be able to debit shares from your Demat account, which will prevent you from selling shares from your holdings using your trading platform.

They suggest using DISs (delivery instruction slips) to transfer shares to another Demat account.

Which depository participants offer this facility?

This list issued by the Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL) includes the names of depository participants that offer the CDSL EASIEST facility. 


As you can see, CDSL EASIEST provides owners of Demat accounts with great convenience. Visit Shoonya, the zero commission trading website, right away if you want to open a free Demat account online