ESG Investing in India: A Path To Sustainable Growth

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing has emerged as a powerful investment approach in India, encompassing the consideration of sustainability factors alongside financial metrics. With increasing awareness and demand for responsible investments, ESG investing in India has gained significant momentum. 

In this article, we will explore the evolving field of ESG investing in India, the driving forces behind its growth, and the potential it holds for investors seeking sustainable growth opportunities.

Understanding ESG Investing in India 

ESG investing revolves around evaluating companies based on their environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices. It goes beyond financial performance and considers non-financial factors that can influence a company’s long-term success and societal impact. By integrating ESG factors into investment decisions, investors aim to generate both financial returns and positive outcomes for the environment and society.

Growth and Potential of ESG Investing in India 

ESG investing has witnessed remarkable growth in India in recent years. According to industry reports, the assets under management (AuM) of ESG-focused funds in India rose from Rs 22 billion in 2019 to around Rs 124 billion in March 2022. This significant increase highlights the growing interest and potential for ESG investing in the Indian market.

Additionally, ESG mutual funds in India have experienced significant growth, reflecting the increasing interest in responsible investing and the potential for long-term value creation.

5 Driving Factors Behind ESG Investing’s Rise in India

The growth of ESG investing in India can be attributed to several key factors that have played a significant role in its popularity and acceptance among investors.

  1. Societal Awareness and Demand

There has been a noticeable increase in societal awareness regarding environmental and social issues in India. Concerns about climate change, pollution, social inequality, and corporate misconduct have prompted individuals and institutions to seek investments that align with their values and contribute to a more sustainable future. This growing demand for sustainable and responsible investments has been a major driver of ESG investing in India.

  1. Regulatory Support

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the regulatory authority for the securities market in India, has played a crucial role in promoting ESG investing. SEBI has introduced guidelines that mandate the disclosure of ESG-related activities by the top 1,000 listed companies. These guidelines enhance transparency, encourage companies to improve their ESG practices, and provide a framework for ESG integration. 

  1. Investor Expectations and Preferences

Investors, including institutional investors, asset management companies, and retail investors, are increasingly recognising the potential of ESG investing. They understand that considering ESG factors alongside financial metrics provides a more holistic view of a company’s risks and opportunities. Investors are demanding greater transparency, accountability, and sustainability from companies they invest in. 

  1. Financial Performance and Risk Management 

Investors realise that companies that prioritise ESG factors are more likely to be resilient, adapt to evolving market dynamics, and effectively mitigate risks associated with environmental, social, and governance issues. The potential for sustainable financial returns has attracted investors towards ESG investing in India.

  1. International Influence and Best Practices 

The global growth of ESG investing has had a significant impact on India. Investors and companies in India are observing international trends and adopting best practices in ESG investing. The influence of international investors and organisations advocating for sustainable finance has contributed to the growth of ESG investing in India.

Opportunities and Benefits of ESG Investing in India 

ESG investing in India presents a range of opportunities and benefits for investors. By investing in companies with strong ESG practices, investors can align their portfolios with sustainability goals while potentially mitigating risks associated with environmental and social factors. Moreover, ESG-focused companies often exhibit better long-term performance and resilience, making them attractive investment options.

ESG Integration and Considerations 

Integrating ESG factors into investment decisions requires a comprehensive approach. When assessing companies, investors consider environmental factors such as carbon emissions and resource management, social factors like employee welfare and community engagement, and governance factors such as board structure and transparency.

ESG Investing in Indian Companies and Sectors 

ESG investing in India spans various sectors, with companies adopting sustainable practices to attract responsible investors. For example, renewable energy companies contribute to the environmental aspect of ESG, while companies promoting diversity and inclusion address the social dimension. Investors can identify ESG leaders in sectors such as renewable energy, healthcare, technology, and consumer goods, among others.

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India has witnessed the emergence of several notable ESG-focused companies that prioritise environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and strong governance practices. These companies actively contribute to areas such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, clean technology, and social impact initiatives. Their commitment to ESG principles positions them as leaders in driving positive change and sustainable growth in India.

Current Frameworks Surrounding ESG Investing in India

Current Frameworks Surrounding ESG Investing in India

The current framework for ESG investing in India lacks standardisation, leading to subjectivity and bias. To address this, efforts have been made to establish a specialised and standardised ESG framework. 

The BRSR notification and SEBI framework for disclosures and reporting are steps in the right direction, enhancing transparency and restoring investors’ confidence. The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) further promotes ethical practices in ESG advertising. The framework allows for risk assessment, clear communication channels between issuers and investors, and opportunities for investors to exit non-sustainable investments. 

The approval of the Sovereign Green Bonds framework in 2022 also encourages green investments in India. These initiatives aim to improve the clarity, assessment, and control of ESG investments in the country.

Overcoming Challenges and Enhancing ESG Investments 

Despite the growth of ESG investing, there are challenges that need to be addressed. Availability and standardization of ESG data, as well as the development of robust ESG rating frameworks, are essential to provide investors with reliable information for decision-making. Continued efforts to enhance corporate disclosure and transparency will further strengthen ESG investing in India.


ESG investing in India has gained significant buzz and offers a promising avenue for investors seeking sustainable growth opportunities. The demand for transparency from investors, shareholders, employees, clients, and regulators has intensified, making ESG investing indispensable. In the current context, as we navigate the “new normal,” ESG investing will undoubtedly assume a more prominent role, reshaping business practices in India and globally.  By considering environmental, social, and governance factors alongside financial metrics, investors can contribute to a more sustainable future while realising their financial objectives.

  1. ESG investing in India evaluates companies based on their environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices, aiming for both financial returns and positive societal outcomes.
  2. ESG investing has experienced significant growth in India, with a substantial increase in the assets under management (AuM) of ESG-focused funds.
  3. Driving factors behind the rise of ESG investing in India include societal awareness and demand, regulatory support, investor expectations, financial performance benefits, and international influence.
  4. ESG investing presents opportunities for investors to align their portfolios with sustainability goals while potentially mitigating risks associated with environmental and social factors.
  5. Integrating ESG factors requires considering environmental, social, and governance aspects when assessing companies’ sustainability and long-term success of companies.
  6. ESG investing spans various sectors in India, with companies embracing sustainable practices in areas such as renewable energy, healthcare, technology, and consumer goods.
  7. Standardisation and transparency in the ESG investing framework are being addressed through initiatives such as the BRSR notification, SEBI guidelines, and the ASCI promoting ethical practices.
  8. ESG investing in India has the potential to reshape business practices, contribute to a more sustainable future, and achieve both financial and environmental/social objectives.


What does ESG stand for in investing?

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, referring to the three key factors considered when assessing the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment.

Why should one invest in ESG?

Investing in ESG allows us to align our investments with our values, promoting positive environmental and social change while seeking financial returns.

Is a high ESG score good?

Yes, a high ESG score indicates that a company or investment performs well in terms of environmental, social, and governance factors, suggesting a commitment to sustainability and responsible practices.

Are ESG funds worth investing in?

ESG funds can be a worthwhile investment choice as they prioritize companies with strong ESG practices, potentially providing better long-term returns and reducing exposure to risks associated with environmental and social issues.

Is there a difference between CSR and ESG?

Yes, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) primarily focuses on a company’s voluntary initiatives and activities that contribute to social welfare. On the other hand, ESG encompasses a broader set of factors, including environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices, integrating them into investment decision-making processes.


Disclaimer: Investments in the securities market are subject to market risks; read all the related documents carefully before investing.