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Minimum Order Quantity and Market Lot Size in IPO

Market Lot Size is the number of shares in a lot. In comparison, Minimum Order Quantity is the minimum quantity of shares to be purchased or sold to participate in the IPO capital markets.

What is the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)?

The minimum of stocks that can be traded on a stock exchange is known as a market lot size. The smallest quantity of shares that an investor purchases or sells in exchange for participating in the IPO are the minimum order quantity in the IPO. 

For instance, if Company ABC offers an IPO with a minimum order quantity of 500 and a market lot size of 100, an investor would need to purchase at least five lots to participate in the IPO. Therefore, companies can guarantee that only professional investors engage in their IPOs by establishing a Minimum order quantity.

What is the Market Lot Size?

It is the minimum lot size in an IPO. The smallest number of shares that can be bought in an IPO is known as the market lot size. The standard market lot size for an initial public offering (IPO) is 100 shares, though this might fluctuate based on the firm and the stock exchange. Commonly, the MOQ is 1,000 shares, though this can differ based on the business and the exchange.

So, let’s examine it with an example to see how these functions work. Amazon stocks, the MOQ at the time of the company’s IPO was 100 shares. The market lot size, however, was also only 100 shares. Therefore, if you had placed an order for 100 shares of Amazon stock, it would have been filled with only one share. So, to trade, you must purchase one share of Amazon stock. This is crucial since it will enable you to manage your finances and plan your trades.

How do market lot size and minimum order quantity affect an IPO?

Every business that goes live in public has an initial public offering or IPO. The market lot size is the minimum number of shares that can be purchased or sold in a single transaction. At the same time, the minimum order quantity is the least number of shares that can be exchanged in a single order.

The company and underwriters determine these two factors. They are often based on the price of the issued shares. Small investors may find participation challenging if the market size is huge. This can reduce interest in the stock and make it more challenging to sell.


The market lot size and the minimum order quantity determine the company’s size. It is challenging for buyers to locate sellers who trade lower quantities of a product if the MOQ is set too high. Thus, there is a proper reason for setting up these restrictions. It prevents the investors from making bad choices in investment.

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